7 ways to create a simple, beautiful and inspiring workspace!

Workspace Design

Your workspace is one of the most important spaces in your life. It is likely that you spend most of your available time sitting at your work desk but you have done very little to make it the most enjoyable and inspiring place.

Luckily for you, there are easy and simple tricks you can do to make your workspace a beautiful area where you actually want to be! Here are 7 simple things you can do to learn to love your workspace.

1. Desk. Getting a desk of the right size with the right extensions is critical. Simplicity is always best and consider the size of the space. A large desk in a small space will feel heavy and cluttered.

2. Writing Equipment. You ideas, notes and dreams should be kept somewhere that does them justice! Find a beautiful notebook or day planner to stylishly keep you organised.

3. Candle. Find a scented cande that is either calming or invigorating to heighten your senses and draw out your creativity. Beautiful scents are an instant mood lifter!

4. Flowers. Real or fake it doesn’t matter! Beautiful, colourful flowers will brighten your space and make it a beautiful place to be.

5. Printed Quote. Everyone has that one phrase that speaks to them and helps them to be their best. Have yours printed onto a canvas and mounted on your wall for your daily dose of motivation.

6. Lighting. Good lighting is essential. There is nothing worse than stark, artificial lighting. Having your workspace in an airy environment near a window is best, but if not, a beautiful lamp with a natural glow will do perfectly.

7. iPhone Dock. It is much easier to have a cradle or dock for your iPhone. You can gently play music, you always know where the iPhone is and best of all, no messy cords for charging!

Make your workspace a place you want to be and then your work will become that little bit more enjoyable!